It started out as a bit of a surprise, we were invited to a special grand opening of the new branch of the Abosomankotere Co-operative Credit Union in Kintampo on Saturday. Our driver insisted that we had to leave at 5:30 am in order to get there early! One thing I've learnt about our driver Moses, while he can have trouble at time communicating in English with us I have to trust his instincts, and he was quite insistent that we had to go, and go early.
Since we made it there a bit early we took in some sightseeing of a local attraction, the Kintampo Falls, they were beautiful! After the sightseeing we went to the new branch and boy is it beautiful!! It's puts any of our branches to shame, it is stunning and a real credit to their Manager, Prosper Aforbu who is really taking this credit union to new heights, and their financials are incredible!
So for the Grand Opening they had a brass band come and we took to the streets, we actually danced around the whole town, meandering through the streets with the locals...and that's all 100+ of us in our white Abosomakotere Credit Union shirts. As usual Damien and I were the only Obrunis (white people) so we attracted a lot of attention, in particular from the kids. I actually felt like a pied piper as they followed us along the whole way. The Ghanaians are such amazing people, so warm and friendly and boy can they dance!! Even from a very young age they can really dance! WOW! When we made it back to the branch, the ladies took to some dancing some more and one of them, Ruth came up to me to dance with I mimicked her dancing the best I could (for an Obruni!) and got so many laughs and cheers, especially when I was shaking my booty....hahaha....what an amazing day.....I never imagined in a million years I would be dancing in the streets of Africa with the!! Really, really cool! A memory I'll never forget!
So Me Dasi Moses, for insisting that we get there so early as we later found out this was the experience he did not want us to miss! And he was so was AMAZING and was definitely not something I would have missed for anything!
Sister Akua :)
Sounds like an exciting day Heidi, and the new branch looks great. Please get the name of the premises manager and Bob and he can share notes! In case the heat is still getting to you, the temp is -8 here, and –16 tomorrow. Keep up the great onsite reporting….it is fun to read every morning. Dave